Discussion in 'Fan Creations' started by Daemon_Targaryen, Nov 3, 2014.


    "Welcome, to my pack. The Mystic Shadow
    " a male says to you. "I am Adrian ,
    Alpha of this pack," he says to you.
    he begins to lead you down a dark and mysty
    pathway through the woods. Looking back at
    you as you walk along he begins to speak.
    "Do you see those shadows?
    Back there in the mist? There strange, not like other, regular
    shadows. They twist and turn, taking forms,
    almost as if, its alive. Well, it is. The myst can
    do nasty things to a wolves mind, especially if
    you are weak. If left on your own, and you
    can't figure out how to fend off the myst, a
    wolf can go mad out here." As you look
    forward again you realize you are approaching
    a clearing. In the clearing you see two paths,
    one to the left and one to the right. Adrian
    begins to walk down the trail to the left before
    stopping. Turning back to face you he says,
    "Here you must decide which path to take.
    The left leads to my pack, The Mystic Shadow Pack.
    Here we will teach you how to fend off the myst and you will be given a rank. Your rank
    will be decided by me whenever i chose. Now onto the right path. If you choose the right
    path you will have to fend for your self, learn how to care and protect yourself. The chose is
    yours." he turns and disappears into the myst,
    leaving you to decide which to follow. The left ⇦ or the right.⇨

    The Alpha is the leader of the pack, they try their best to keep up with the going ons within
    the pack. They see each of the pack members as family and make important decisions that
    reflect the growth and welfare of the pack. The Alpha creates the rules for the pack and makes
    sure they are properly enforced. Alpha decides on ranking, courting, assessments, and banishment of wolves.

    Alpha Male: Adrian
    Alpha Female: Bella

    The Beta wolf is the second ranking individual
    within the dominance hierarchy. They show
    commitment and loyalty to the pack, also acting as a discipliner to reinforce the Alpha's decisions. The Betas stand in as Alpha when the
    Alphas are not present.In pack meetings, the Betas' answers and suggestions are the second
    most important, being trusted advisers to the Alpha, only thinking for the good of the pack as a whole.

    The Delta wolf is a wolf in training for Beta position. They are third in rank to Alpha and
    Beta. Delta's do not hold the authority to call
    medium or large Hunts. When this is the case,
    if ever the current Beta is removed from their
    rank, steps down, changes rank, or leaves the
    pack, the Delta may take the place as the new
    Beta at the Alpha's request.

    4.Guardians -
    They are to ensure that the pack is safe by
    patrolling the territory and watching the
    movements of the surroundings. They are to
    make sure that no intruders enter the clearing.
    In doing so, it is a guardian's responsibility to
    greet new visitors and learn why they are here
    and where they come from.

    The Hunters are those wolves who are
    exceptionally skilled at tracking and hunting
    down prey. . The Hunters make
    sure that the Pack has a full abundance of
    food. After large hunts, the lead Hunter will
    memo with an update of the food available .

    Scouts are responsible for warning the Pack of
    dangerous territory outside the clearing, if
    any. Scouts are mainly wolves known by
    neighboring packs and visit around often. They
    stay in touch with other packs and keep
    friendly relations. They are to report any
    important changes to the Alpha and Beta.

    7.Dark Wolves-
    These wolves are highly recognized by the
    Alphas and well respected by the rest of the
    pack, even feared. They are third rank under
    the Betas and demand respect more to them
    than to their Alphas. Their loyalty and
    compassion to the Alphas though is without
    fail. When things go wrong, the Alphas or the
    Betas call on these wolves to help maintain the
    pack and keep it together. They are feared by
    the lower wolves and will take extreme
    measures to maintain the order of the pack.
    Think of them like the enforcers or the police.
    Their ways are mysterious and shadowed but
    their fighting spirit is unmatched.

    8. Shadowed Wolves-
    Wolves such as these are under the Dark
    Wolves. They are the servants to the Dark
    Wolves and assist them in supporting the
    Alphas and providing for the pack. If they
    sense a disturbance in the pack, they report it
    to the higher-ups and wait for their next
    order. These well-determined wolves do, of
    course, envy the dark wolves yet still maintain
    their submision to their leaders.

    9.Elder Wolves-
    These wolves aren't really considered "of old
    age". This rank shows that they have been here
    and have done their hardest work to know
    everything about the pack. They are seen to
    the Alphas as responsible and are given more
    choices, such as: create their own packs in
    roleplaying or become "Subsitute Wolves"
    when the Alphas are gone. They are able to
    watch over the pack and keep it in control
    until the Alphas return safely.

    -Delta Wolves-
    The Deltas are the guardians of the higher
    ranks. They protect the Alphas, Betas, Dark
    Wolves, Shadowed Wolves, Elders and even
    themselves from dangerous situations. The
    pack admires these warriors because of the
    service they provide for the pack. They are
    fearless, dominant, and worthy of receiving
    admiration from the Alphas.


  2. MYSTIC shadow PACK.......
  3. the weird rp is real