Doesn't have to be limited to Old school players. Can be for anyone Stat cap can be adjusted maybe for redzy but just a basic guideline. I just think there is too large a discrepancy in stats bw t5 and t4. I miss warring with people not bc only being maybe 100-150kcs lower. Not 1 mil anyone with suggestions, please post here or pm me
Courzy, I purposely didnt upgrade so I can war like old school style . I'll bring bhinkyboo back when we have the old school war
Yes old school war. I love the idea. Best wars were during t2 era though, but i can imagine dropping so many stats is a bit too much But i'll be joining
I have 250kcs, but I am not an alt. I guess that makes me a pest. -.- But whatever I will war against you gigantors in your smaller forms.