First cat cafe in maybe a month lol. I was invited to help. I'm always in Immortals farming. But I don't expect you to believe that. Carry on little soldier.
️it's cute you don't party but the only parties you seam to attend are cat since you have no eggs either, you did beta war once for the award and that's it so someone that does farming I could easily assume only inactives since you don't care for war and you don't have any complaints, but "oh I deleted posts" you'd defiantly still have some or people posting
lmfao how is milking inactives any different from hitting a party? You don't get hit back and it's easy cash
LOL, that was a pretty good assumption. Except it was all wrong. I don't attend cc parties only, i don't party at all because I stopped partying ages ago. And yeah I did a beta war once months back because I was bored. I did have a lot of complaints on my wall which I deleted because I always delete all my wall post everyday. I'm farming inactives to upgrade just like everyone else did back when there were no parties, but ofcourse you wouldn't know that now would you. Numpty
dark star likes to farm 350kcs players and he's BC and screw those cat cafés people need to start farming more people it makes pimd so much better and I've taken dv but I've also played this game over 3yrs with multi accts everyone that comes in and thinks they are hard core cause they have stats cause of cat cafe are stupid. I have a lot of whiners on my wall that got there stats off cat cafés
When there was no parties I didn't farm actives I hit bl, I did wars b2b and never did jobs except for the few in the start for dns
Yeah, i was hitting BL but too many kids were crying so i stopped. And there are no more wars now like back then, so i'd rather just farm inactives. Which don't pay a lot either since its fight farms. I don't want to bc fast so its good for me
Dreams u said before parties ur showcase shows u wasn't around when there was no parties fool gtfo
Btw, just something to think about, what about ECBC's? Talking about using cat cafe to BC but what about EC? Might all well start 'World War Awesome' on here Lol LCBC Vs. CCBC Vs. ECBC
The people that continue act as if there is a difference in Lcbc's are stupid the way they got there doesn't show what they know and what they don't just shows they were determined to get there
People that actually work to earn the money and choose to spend it on here still worked hard for it as long as they didn't get the cash to buy ec from someone else