 pull up the toilet seat

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Royale_Kaname_Will_Never_Die, Mar 30, 2014.

  1. ^ OMG LOL 
  2. Oh yeah, SEEIN a man pee makes a woman's ovaries explode!
  3. Because I'd like for you to show me your jugs.
  4. That's true spitfire.
  5. Busting one while peeing WHILE taking a huge poop WWHHIILLEEE sneezing and getting punched in the face. Omg.... I felt the pleasure of sex 3920x fold.
  6. Frozensnow triggered my imagination.

  7. Frozensnow triggered my imagination.

  8. Well they r nice but back to my pee training...I shewee want to learn! 
  9. ,_, Oh god yes.

    It's like painfully taking it up the butt while busting a hot one.
  11. Piss while standing upside down for maximum pissing pleasure... Open YOUR mouth while you're at it!
  12. What in the sam hell?!?
  13. When a man pisses in your mouth while you're trying to give him a blowjob.  Major turn on.
  14. You'll never know what pleasure is until you try pissing while sitting... then your **** suddenly touches the toilet water.
  15. No.. I once took a piss while sitting down... You know what I felt? Like my man-hood was slowly being taken away...
  16. When you're sitting down pissing and the stream of pee just won't stop.

  17. This is officially the best thread ever.
  18.  Your man-hood.