Tutor Trading Guide

Discussion in 'Guides' started by FemaleUserNameTaken, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. Love this!

    Emailing support to see if they will sticky :p
  2. There already is a sticky'ied tut trading guide.
  3. Zach... This one goes into more prices... It's actually kinda nice to have.
  4. 0.0 unless he updated the other one 
  5. :) got it sticked!
  6. Bump for Phoenix
  7. does the max bonus from tutors have to be even?
  8. Is there any possible way you can keep your tutor .. some keeps saying rice them if you don't want them taken.
  9. Are these prices still accurate?
  10. Good job with the forum 
  11. Awesome I'm on target maybe a like ahead.lol
  12. Lol maybe alittle a head