️ [GUIDE] Main Thread - Furniture Prices + Questions ️

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia, May 28, 2018.

  1. For all posts above:
    Use this thread: FAQs about Furniture Pricing

    Which hunt?

    In the beginning of any hunt, prices are higher. Maybe 2 bentos for the bookshelf and then it'll drop to one if it's not highly sought after.

    13-15 bentos

    What hunt is this again...?

    2 bentos for the bed and 15 chibis for the chair

    I think maybe 23 bentos for the hammock and 20 chibis for the chair
  2. For all posts above:
    Use this thread: FAQs about Furniture Pricing

    Within the range given on the first page. Average kind of furniture

    Maybe 7 bentos

    Bed - 2 bentos
    Rug - 25 to 30 chibis

    Not totally sure as it really varies... maybe 40 bentos?
  3. For all posts above:
    Use this thread: FAQs about Furniture Pricing

    13 chibis

    Yeah close to 15 bentos

    2 bentos
  4. For all posts above:
    Use this thread: FAQs about Furniture Pricing

    What's the name of it? I don't remember if there even was a T100 bed...

    Slightly above average price (1st page post) in the beginning and then they fall into the average price towards the end of the hunt as seen on the 1st page

    What hunt was this again?

    Eh like 17-20 bentos maybe

    Likely 6 bentos

    The bed from the canpor hunt. It comes from the cooler box.
    Explorer... I don't think it was a hunt
    Bed is 2 or 3 bentos.
    Hammock if I'm thinking of the right one is 2 bentos

    Beside bouquet - 13 chibis
    Not sure what mid shelf butterflies is?
    Everything else is reg price (1st page post)
  5. Re: ️ [GUIDE] Main Thread - Furniture Prices Questions ️

    Will continue the rest later ?
    About 5 pages I still haven’t answered.
  6. Re: ️ [GUIDE] Main Thread - Furniture Prices Questions ️

    How much for this hunt’s bed?
  7. Re: ️ [GUIDE] Main Thread - Furniture Prices Questions ️

    4-5 bentos
  8. For all posts above:
    Use this thread: FAQs about Furniture Pricing

    For all posts above:
    Use the price on the first page first post. Average price

    It goes for a bento since quite a few want it. You might be able to get just a little more for it.

    It's still fairly new so probably about that price.
  9. Re: ️ [GUIDE] Main Thread - Furniture Prices Questions ️

    For all posts above:
    Use this thread: FAQs about Furniture Pricing

    Nightstand and above desk - 6 to 7 chibis each
    Rest is fine

    1-2 bentos

    Likely 4 bentos

    20 bentos

    Maybe 10 or so bentos?

    Likely 4 bentos

    That concludes all the questions I missed :') hopefully the new guide will prove useful in answering a lot of the questions you all have
  10. Re: ️ [GUIDE] Main Thread - Furniture Prices Questions ️

    How much is lvl 2 Regala rug?
  11. How much for this hunt nightstand?? BLACK MAGIC
  12. Regala lvl 1 would be maybe 30 chibis.
    Use the upgraded furni thread to find out for lvl 2 :) it’ll help you with understanding prices for all upgraded pieces

    13 or so chibis
  13. Plz price of this hunt floor n lamp
  14. Re: ️ [GUIDE] Main Thread - Furniture Prices Questions ️

    This hunt above bed?
  15. Re: ️ [GUIDE] Main Thread - Furniture Prices Questions ️

    This hunts 999? Thanks in advance
  16. Re: ️ [GUIDE] Main Thread - Furniture Prices Questions ️

    Bumpin’ real good
  17. What is the price of black magic rug and jixiang rug? 
  18. Re: ️ [GUIDE] Main Thread - Furniture Prices Questions ️

    I’ve sold mine for around 8c I think.
  19. Floor 1-3c
    Lamp 4-10c (sold mine for 6c or 8c, don’t remember which)
  20. Looking for jungle furni