️ [GUIDE] Main Thread - Furniture Prices + Questions ️

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia, May 28, 2018.

  1. Hello ? can anyone give me the price of:
    Beachnik above bed
    Mid shelf butterflies
    Artefact chair
    ARTEFACT poster
    Bed side bouquet
    Wallpaper : goal theme

    Thank u 
  2. See original post for the average prices. All of those are average items that aren't really in high demand.
  3. VIP set all new prices???
  5. How much for the beachnik chair???
  6. Can someone tell me the x-treme above bed price?
  7. Re: ️ [GUIDE] Main Thread - Furniture Prices Questions ️

    How much is the “Club table and chandler” VIP 999ec worth????
  8. Re: ️ [GUIDE] Main Thread - Furniture Prices Questions ️

  9. Re: ️ [GUIDE] Main Thread - Furniture Prices Questions ️

    Side thread should be up in a day or two.
    Need to double check prices

    I will most likely go back and answer questions that I missed in that time frame (pages 79-87)
  10. Level 1 is most commonly 5 bentos and I'm not too sure about upgraded costs
  11. How much does the ViP bookcase go for?
  12. Re: ️ [GUIDE] Main Thread - Furniture Prices Questions ️

    How much is my top shelf worth? It’s that snake in a cage one
  13. And someone was selling me Lvl 1 for 8B -_- ty :)
  14. Re: ️ [GUIDE] Main Thread - Furniture Prices Questions ️

  15. Re: ️ [GUIDE] Main Thread - Furniture Prices Questions ️

    1-2 bentos
  17. Re: ️ [GUIDE] Main Thread - Furniture Prices Questions ️

    Can someone tell me how much the following is worth?
    - VIP desk
    - VIP 499
    - neon wave rug
    - VIP Bookcase
    (All lvl one)
  18. How much for the top shelf souvenirs of the sea??
  19. Re: ️ [GUIDE] Main Thread - Furniture Prices Questions ️

    I think it's part of the shelf item trio that goes a bento apiece... the other shelves are tanks right??
  20. Haha I would still expect many to pay or have paid 6 or 7 bentos for theirs out of impatience/desperate bc after all it is a pretty nice item. It's just that I've seen someone struggle to sell his level two for 7 bentos before so I simply gave the most common price.