Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️ Also how much is champagne dorm worth, only missing 499 999 and nightstand.
Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️ Check previous pages Slightly above the average generally. Idk which ones in specific that you are asking prices for Approximate, and I’ll adjust accordingly. Please note prices for items do vary and that it would only be a general approximation. hm idk depends what item specifically. I heard someone bought a lamp for 4 bentos, but I think generally probably 3 ish for small items. Really not certain on prices rn. Best shot is to ask for offers 7 chibis probably No, D&S is worth about 5-6 whereas champagne is worth 12 bentos Approximate, and I’ll adjust accordingly
Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️ Thanks!! How much is this hunts fireplace selling for right now?
Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️ Is corsair and geode up to par in prices? Or is there one heavier than the other? Thinking of going for that pirate dorm if possible.
Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️ 50 bentos maybe or ask for offers Um there’s a fireplace? 4 or so bentos I think maybe 13 bentos I’m not too sure. Ask for offers Corsair is cheaper than geode by far. Corsair is generally in the average price whereas geode is above average
Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️ If it's the discarded lingerie 499ec ur referring to, I've been seeing mostly 7-8. A lot of people rather hold onto it so I can understand paying higher. My friend and I bought one together for 5 in...March?
Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️ Co-z teapot and cup (lamp) Pride furni Floor Walls Lamp Plant Stujo furni “Lamp” Above desk Chair Poster I’m sorry if you have to answer again but couldn’t find it?
Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️ How much is a level 2 gaggmi bed worth? Also level 1 Easter Eden bed Goals bed Wintermint bed
Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️ Also the recreo above bed hanging plants, I believe it was a T250. How much for a level 1?
Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️ Co-z teapot and cup (lamp)1-2b 1 bento Pride furni Floor 6c 5 chibis Walls 7c 5 chibis Lamp 15c 10 chibis Plant 20-25c 25-30 chibis Stujo furni “Lamp” 10c ✅ Above desk 8c 6-7 chibis Chair 1b ✅ Poster 5c ✅ Gaggmi: Probably between 2-3 bentos Eden: 4-5 bentos Goals: Between 2-3 bentos Wintermint: 13 bentos? idrk tbh ): T10? That doesn’t exist I don’t think. At least none I know of.. I’ve sold mine for a bento each in the past, but it could be like 15 chibis now if you’re lucky. Not many with it are willing to give it up tho I think.