The creepy in pink 999 is usually between 20-30b however I wouldn’t be surprised if sellers sold for more considering it’s hard to find this 999. My friend bought the 499/999 pair for 100b once.
Jesus thank you for the feedback! I found it on my alt and was like man nice. 🤣 I somehow had 2 of the 499 too
Bought and sold goth topic couch for 8b. Assuming the bed is around the same price since they’re both store furni. Goth topic chair would be like 1b~.
Soft spot bed - 3-4b Soft spot rug - 1-2b Cone of the brave bench (chair?) - Not too sure. Guessing it’s standard price or 12-20c
Ohh, I think this set is slightly higher than standard price since it’s old. I’m assuming 3b~ but I might be off.