️ [GUIDE] Main Thread - Furniture Prices + Questions ️

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia, May 28, 2018.

  1. Price check on Dragon Gargamel 999
  2. Soft open invites
  3. What is soft open invites?
  4. How much is white rabbit table worth
  5. How much is plushie palace floor and walls worth??
  6. 2-3b
  7. 20c-1b
  8. I believe 12-15b
  9. I think they go 11c now. Could try 1:2c
    Chelsito likes this.
  10. 4-5b
  11. Berry patch is recycle so should be 2b for desk
  12. 4-5b as of May 5th
  13. Plant is 25-30c. Seen most people selling shelf items at 1b
  14. 15-25b
  15. 8-10b
    Eggy-Creme-Eggy likes this.
  16. Berry patch is recycle prices now
    Eggy-Creme-Eggy likes this.
  17. 25c-1b
  18. Pomsky should be 25-30b as of today.
  19. Thx!
  20. price check on lvl 2 dank n sons bed, lvl 2 hny bed, and pine sofa bed?