️ [GUIDE] Main Thread - Furniture Prices + Questions ️

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia, May 28, 2018.

  1. 2-4b
  2. 3-4b
    Scorpion-Lover likes this.
  3. Till death shelves: 25c-1b
  4. 2b20c-3b
  5. 40+b depends on seller
  6. Walls: 5-10c
    Abv plant: 10-20c
    Poster: 5-10c
    Abv desk: 10-15c
    Urcutiepie07 likes this.
  7. 15-25b
  8. 8-10b
  9. 10-15c
  10. How much would be american chopper cost now?
  11. My 999 american chopper how much bentos?
  12. Is there a berry patch desk? If so can I get a price check?
  13. Price check on Rock The Dorm Desk?
  14. Skull and sundry (middle shelf) traveler palm is plant
  15. Price check on Never After Rani the Tiger 499 please?
  16. Pc pls: (499)
    super arachne plush
    giant plush dice

    both in my starred for ref, ty
  17. Price check on “Still Life in the Dorms” 999? Thank you!
  18. Can I have a price check on the white rabbit 499 please? ☺️
  19. What's the gamer dorm called again?
  20. PC on Bloody Milkshakes Pls ☺️