️ [GUIDE] Main Thread - Furniture Prices + Questions ️

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia, May 28, 2018.

  1. Price check on never after sofa and never after bed?🤔
  2. How much do bb items, spinners, tarot’s and birthstones go for now?
  3. Price check on lovebird tiles pls
  4. I’m Baaaack! I’ll try to get to everyone’s inquires for prices, bear with me!
  5. 1-2b
  6. They’re 2b each ^.^
  7. Last time I saw it for sale at lvl 1 it was 70-80b
  8. 20-25b, not the most popular monthly 999 unfortunately
    RideOnShootingStar likes this.
  9. 25c-1b
  10. Averages 3b, or 2b for recycling
  11. The relaxation station tends be 10-15b (hammock has jumped a little, 14-18b)
    Midsummer Mirror 15-20b
    Swing 20-28b (drops as becomes more common)
    CapedClown likes this.
  12. Ooo I’ve been looking for those beans, it’s a monthly 499 so averages 8-10b (it’s a cute set so you might be able to push 10-12b)
  13. That’s a toughie, cheapest I saw was 90b, most expensive sale 150b (best bet is to calculate how many bento it takes to get to level 8 from level 3. I say from lvl 3 because that is the base option, and that sells for 30-35 minimum)
  14. Still popular, seen it for 25-30b
  15. Poseidon is dicey, I’ve been told the base version (lvl 3) goes for 30-35b minimum so you could calculate the number of 999s it takes to get to lvl 5 and that that.
    Unicorn has been 65-75b for a bit
    Black marble Fireplace is 65-75b
    Black magic fireplace, last time I saw it sell, was 180b
  16. I’m actually not 100% sure for this one, but last I saw it go for at lvl 3 was 12-15b
  17. Price check on remains of a mermaid 999?
  18. I’m actually not 100% sure for this one, last I saw it go for at lvl 3 was 12-15b
    hmm it’s from cryptid, goes for 12-15b from what I’ve seen
  19. Price check for zodiac furni? General prices for all / I have all mine starred!
  20. Price check on Til Death furniture?