️ [GUIDE] Main Thread - Furniture Prices + Questions ️

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia, May 28, 2018.

  1. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    I think 20-30 chibis?
  2. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    This helped me a lot truthfully, thank you for this!

    A girl with very high stats tried to fool me by trading her 'old items' (a bunch of Pokeymons from an old hunt and animal chocolates) for my 499 and 999. I swear I've never been more triggered when I saw this thread saying its worth much more. Thank you! ?
  3. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    The Pokeymons are pretty rare, but definitely not worth a 499 or 999. :lol:
  4. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    How much does a complete puzzl dorm sell for?
  5. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    Maybe like 30 bentos. It isn't a popular hunt.
  6. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    How much would the T10 Window To Mexico 999 sell for? And would it be worth trading for Co-z 999?
  7. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    My rs wants to know how much a level 4 hooch pooch table would sell for (but of course is too lazy to use forums so here I am again to ask for him ?)
    I have no clue what a starting price would be, but I know it’s gotta be a couple bentos, right?
  8. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    On another note, I will not be answering full set questions anymore unless you come to me with a list of prices that you’d like me to confirm on. You should be able to make your own judgement with some items.

    Yeah sounds about right.

    Approx 2 per bento

    yeah they’re not worth 499/999s at all!

    Firebends ✅

    oof um idk T10 are expensive. If you like co-z more, then I’d say yeah maybe. It isn’t a super highly requested 999 even as a T10 & co-z 999 goes for about 80-100 bentos

    Somewhere between 1 and 2 bentos probably
  9. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    I’ve seen someone selling a level 3 WTM for 150 bentos. It’s like a super rare 999, I’ve only seen 2 people using it, the rest are gone ??‍♀️
  10. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    Noo 
  11. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    Is 6 bentos a fair price for the Idyllic above plant?
  12. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    Uh, hell no. Like try 15-20 chibis. Maybe 1 bento AT MOST.
  13. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    That's what I thought! THANK YOU.
  14. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    You're welcome. Dunno who was trying to sell it for 6 bentos. What a rip off.
  15. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    oof I’d wait it out. It’ll become even cheaper soon, maybe 10 chibis. As firebends said, definitely not 6 bentos
  16. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    i've seen the ecru floor being sold for 2-3 bentos, and more recently 20 chibis. just wondering what it's really worth. can i still sell it for bentos or is that considered overpriced now?
  17. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    1-2 bentos it should go for. it'll always be a rarity and worth bentos. 20 chibis is a steal
  18. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    Im still new and dont know what stuff is worth (this threas helped a lot). But i have a lvl 1 Summer Skyline bed, lvl 2 artefact chair and plant, lvl 2 shelves, lvl 2 nightstand.... im selling my furniture ti buy more, but i dont know what i should sell them for. I know lvl 2 means higher price, but how much higher? Could someone look at more dorm and tell me how much my stuff costs? Please?
  19. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    thank you so much for the help! ?
  20. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    How much can I sell brotein bed for? I've had a hard time finding a solid price