️ [GUIDE] Main Thread - Furniture Prices + Questions ️

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia, May 28, 2018.

  1. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    How much does Co-Z 999 go for? Not the hammock
  2. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    Probs 100 bentos
  3. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    what i meant was how much do they go for?
  4. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    You have to try and figure out the prices yourself first which they can then deny or confirm, so that you can learn how to price furni yourself without needing to constantly check.
  5. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    I already answered in my post

    However, I noticed I forgot the above plant. It probably goes for 10 chibis.

    & yes :’) very much appreciated when people offer a price for me to check as it cuts about half the work down for me
  6. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    How much is worth the American shopper 999 ?
  7. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    50000 bentos
    Read the post before yours
  8. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    Both 999s from this hunt are probably worth 25-30 bentos with the chopper being the more expensive one I’m guessing.
  9. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    How much is a Black Friday champagne space orbs worth now.
  10. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    Brotein above bed
    Champagne Space lvl 2 middle shelf
    Champagne Space lvl 3 above bed

    Thanks :)
  11. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    Champagne Space lvl 3 above bed

    Thanks :)

    Got the prices on others*
  12. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    Answered previously I believe. Please check other pages before asking. Idr what I said anymore but around 60 bentos I’m guessing

    I’ve seen you ask a few times. Please give your best estimate as an initiative in learning how to approximate prices on your own. I will help you correct it if it’s off imo!
  13. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    Sorry I keep getting told that it’s not worth that much so I was double checking. Thank you for such a quick reply 
  14. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    You may be lucky and get it for less though if you’re trying to buy :) start at 45 and work your way up
  15. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    How much should i sell my north face floor?
  16. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    eh 5-6 chibis since it’s new
  17. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    Someone nice here please tell me the price of VIP furniture s i have all of them
  18. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    New ldyll couch, maybe 4 or 5b? As time goes by and ppl keep getting them maybe lowers to regular price 3b?
  19. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    It can only be got from furni boxes so probs more like Stujo furni
  20. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    What's a price for rugs at recycle level?