The bunny hutch or normal bed? Either should be 1-2b 8b 4-5b 14c, 12c, 16-20c 6-8b Coral and mermaid have dipped to 10b
20b minimum, though it’s up to seller in the end 7b From black magic? The black magic 999 is 100+ bento, but the two from 2020 October are Cauldron 10b and Demon 15b I don’t agree with 90-100b, but it seems people have decided that this 999 is no less than 60-70b I always forget which bed is more expensive, apologies 🤧 anywho, 5b for dogs, 12-15b for angel, 1-2b rug, 1b hooch Corgi 3-4b, rug 1-2b, hunt 999 ranges but I’ve seen it sell today for 18-20b Depends on seller, I sold one a while back for 16c
Not sure about the retrosleek bed, but geode 499 lvl 2 should be at minimum 13b (lvl 1 used to be like 12-15b but it’s dropped recently, along with the 999)