️ [GUIDE] Main Thread - Furniture Prices + Questions ️

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia, May 28, 2018.

  1. Price check on completed lvl 1 Hit Like dorm! Tysm
  2. Price check for last hunt bed? Thank you very much
  3. Also if I could get price for midnight tryst 499 I would be grateful, thanks
  4. Price Check on Cheeky The Chinchilla 499
  5. Nevermind 😌❤️
  6. Price Check For
    Teatime Of Horror
    Top Shelf Lvl 2
    Above Bed Lvl 2
    Lamp Lvl 3
    Thank You! ♡
  7. Price check on en pointe 499 clara the angora cat please
  8. Can someone please tell me how much the 999 in my dorm is worth?
  9. Price check for Triton’s Garden 999
  10. The bunny hutch or normal bed? Either should be 1-2b
    14c, 12c, 16-20c
    Coral and mermaid have dipped to 10b
    TouchingGrass likes this.
  11. Price check on level 2 retrosleek bed, level 2 geode 499 please ☺️
  12. 20b minimum, though it’s up to seller in the end
    From black magic? The black magic 999 is 100+ bento, but the two from 2020 October are Cauldron 10b and Demon 15b
    I don’t agree with 90-100b, but it seems people have decided that this 999 is no less than 60-70b
    I always forget which bed is more expensive, apologies 🤧 anywho, 5b for dogs, 12-15b for angel, 1-2b rug, 1b hooch
    Corgi 3-4b, rug 1-2b, hunt 999 ranges but I’ve seen it sell today for 18-20b
    Depends on seller, I sold one a while back for 16c
  13. Not sure about the retrosleek bed, but geode 499 lvl 2 should be at minimum 13b (lvl 1 used to be like 12-15b but it’s dropped recently, along with the 999)
  14. Price check on hunt bed pls, high roller black jack table
  16. Price Check
    Specter of the Past level 1 999
    Pride Reef Kelp Pillar level 1 999
  17. Price check on golden age chaise lounge 299
  18. I’ve been getting offers of a bento for the Lovebird tile, should I stick with that or?
  19. 15-16b
    8-9b, 10b
    Yup, lovebird tile is 1b (I actually priced this just a few posts ago)
    renamed40699 likes this.