️ [GUIDE] Main Thread - Furniture Prices + Questions ️

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia, May 28, 2018.

  1. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    Agree w firebends in above desk.
    Hammock can go for 5 or so bentos though or 6 if someone is desperate.

    Firebends ✅

    1 bento or a little less

    Firebends ✅

    Think I answered you via wall? Either way it goes for around 3 bentos for lvl 1 and 4 for lvl 2
  2. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    I also highly encourage y’all to try prices out on your own if you’ve asked a few times! You can always ask is ____ a good price for _____, and I can help verify or correct you. This thread isn’t just to ask for prices; it is also to help y’all become independent with pricing :)

    I don’t want to not answer y’alls questions, but I am seeing some people post repeatedly with no attempt at pricing themselves. I’m trying to push towards independence on pricing and not over reliance. In the end, y’all should be mostly determining prices!!

    I am considering skipping questions for those who repeatedly ask unless the format above is attempted here and there )): please make an effort at pricing yourself. I’m always happy to help confirm or offer a different pricing.
  3. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    How much for this hunt plant, the fireworks ? ? Thanks
  4. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    @Atavistic that does make sense! :)

    I know most items but just a few specific items I have almost no idea at all 

    Can I price check 4K home theater system (I'm selling)? I think it's rkd, above plant. I suggested 12c because I think it's lower, but they responded too quickly with two accounts so I got suspicious 
  5. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    Current hunt plants can run for up to a bento
  6. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    What firebends said since it’s early on. I wouldn’t pay more than a bento tho if you’re buying although you definitely can get it for less.

    12 is pretty good I think, but you can always try to bump it up a bit and see if they’ll still buy.
  7. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    can someone wall me how much is wintermint reindeer or bunch of bunnies is worth?
  8. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    Wintermint Reindeer: probably 50 bentos
    Buncha Bunnies: 10 - 12 bentos
  9. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    What's a decent price for a wedding corgi?
  10. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    8-12 bentos tbh
  11. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    Okay thanks ^~^
  12. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    If you’re buying you wanna get it for 12 or less, but I know it sells for 15 or so bentos. I sold mine for 13 before I realized the pricing rip
  13. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    Is 1b a good price for Fyuu-Tchorr chair? I'm unsure if that's too much since it's from the bf furnis box ?
  14. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    trade my 999ecs "windows to emerald isle" for 999ecs palais de glace "windows to north".. wall me !!
  15. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    Do you think trading my chocolate banana bed for vocat bed sounds good? I already did it, just wanna know if I should hit myself or just continue being happy with my new vocat bed ?
  16. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    I guess it was a fine deal if you wanted the vocat bed or u wanna complete vocat dorm set! Like if i want anything and its rare so i would pay more than its worth to get it but chocolate banana bed worths more than vocat! So not much but you're in loss of only one bento!

    Stay happy ?
  17. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    You can try, but people may not be willing to pay a bento. They might pay between 20 chibis and a bento though.

    Wrong thread

    Like the poster above me said, it depends on preference! It’s not bad. Banana might go for 5-6 while vocat goes for around 4 
  18. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    How much does the puppilounger go for?
    Trying to figure out how many bentos to save up before looking.
  19. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    How much for these items?

     Betsy Ross Decorations
     Betsy Ross Bouquet
     Betsy Ross Table
  20. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    Has price of the 499 frenchie changed? Was going for 25-30 bentos last time I was looking around. Needa see how much saving I gotta do :s