Zed's Slaughter Games

Discussion in 'Wars' started by InactiveZed, May 7, 2013.

  1. Yes wow =^0.0^=
    You went from baby making to body dismemberment
  2. iv always been dissecting
  3. I wanna be a patient
  4. felix, you are #22
  5. you are #23

    btw, only 20 minutes left to sign up
  6. I shall use a dull rusty hair pin to ensure max pain!
  7. Btw zed can you wall me so I don't forget lol
  8. time's up, no more entries
  10. not yet, now there is a 24 hour waiting period before i release the rules
  11. -_- lol I got my hopes up
  12. over that 24hr period i will slowly release some details of the Games
  13. Okay, is that gonna be on the forom? Cause if it is I might not be able to see them XD I'm busy
  14. no, this will not be on forums
  15. Okay, where will it be?
  16. if i can get it organized, it will be held inside a temporary club
  17. Hmm... I'll get someone to run my club for a bit then, wall me the club name when it's ready