Update: the mechanics of the Slaughter Games will be farmed base. players will not farm eachother. stay tuned for more updates.
Update: due to player's stats, it will be unfair for the higher stat players to have an advantage, therefor this Games will be based on hitting inactive farms. stay tuned.
I wish it could be farming pros instead im lazy, and have lots of end of the year shit going on now
thanks, and you too. my finals include: Mind Skills Law For Today German 2 Algebra 2 Gifted Honor's English 3 Chemistry World History
eh, i missed it today cuz i was home sick. im sure i missed something important, i always do when i dont go to school
ikr! ill go to school and we learn nothin new. ill miss for whatever reason and im screwed over because NOW they teach somethin. but i digress, i dont want this thread to get locked due to off topic. any questions about the Games so far?
iv got it completely planned out now, all i need is to announce it and let it begin. ill go ahead and answer any questions