Singles vs Singles War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -AGB_TheBaddestAngelOfAll-, Jul 30, 2013.

  1. Tapdat 155kcs either side is fine with me
  2. Princess side lcbc
  3. Princess  150kcs
  4. I have a war on the Humans vs Zombie war on the 9th the day yours will be declaring.

    Will clubs be locked or unlocked. So I can join later.
  5. 164 kcs. Princess side :)
  6. Princess side
  7. Ok I hear there's a complication with the war dates. I will be changing war date to the August 24th. No ug after August 20th plz. Sorry for any inconviencing this has caused. Keep signing up lets make this a Great War
  8. Princess side 1mcs
  9. Princess side

    940kcs with an upgrade coming
  10. War Brat 
  11. Princess side

    300Kcs...... i am also upgrading 
  12. princess side 3kcs 
  13. Ok everyone that's signing up I'm letting you know I will make it a matched roster. So if u get moved around that's why.