Discussion in 'Wars' started by C_-l_-l_-me_-da_-dd-_y_killfun, Feb 2, 2014.

  1.  1.4mcs ツ
  2. I'm from France. Can I join ?
  3. Count me in jc bro male 1mcs
  4. ForbiddenAccess, 740kcs 
  5. ?noob alert.. Whats bump? ?️tut bump?
  6. Sign me up. 
  7. ?bby bro just bump?
  8. 793kcs  count me in
  9. Signing in. Male 1.3mcs po koya 
  10. List updated. Check 1st page to see the link of the Roster..
  11. 1.7mcs female sign me up
  12. Bumpxoxo!
  13. Sorry ive posted 1.7 but i checked and im 1.8mcs 