always your an loser kaname(like you were loser in fw with me ) your good for nothing but you good at blah blah like an girl anyways meet you at BOS and hope to make CC interesting
Manny please you kept bragging about hitting me hard, yet your "hitting hard" was 1hit per 15-20minutes. You never pinned me and I was able to pin you down. Kid, you keep saying I "blablabla" but i'm quite sure you're the one that keep trash talking. Proof? You just made one.
I pinned you more than 5times lol I dont need to prove because at the end you loser gave up lolol! btw you hit me just 2hrs a day hahaha someone said this "I will farm you 24/7" lol it was 2hrs a day haha keyboard warrior kaname
Pinned you 5 times? Are you sure that these 5 times wasn't me unloading on you then dning? I'm quite that you wasn't the cause of me being pinned you noob. I have screenshots proving that I kept you down for several minutes. Where are your proof?
I see were going to have issues before we even enter. Get the shit out now in the damn forums because inside it's co-op time
I unloaded 10dns on you total and you liar took ss of when I was dtw because of unloading on you and you call that as you pinned me lolol yoy barely got successfull hits on me! you lost 90% of hits and you gave up because of that only... liar liar kaname pants on fire
kaname just keep talking dude! FYI nothing will happen to BCS loser like you will come and go but BCS will stay always! so shut up SAAAAN!
I don't Care for your past history, I don't Care what tag you wear, I don't Care who did what. These 48 hrs we work as a team we cooperate we get the job done. After the 48 hours you guys decide to carry on the shenanigans that's your choice. Now stop acting like school children, grow up and get ready to war.
Manny, Kaname, seriously put your personal issues aside. Char, Ice and the admin teams have worked hard to create a fair war.. If the boyfriends have any hope of winning, you need to work together.. Pretty sure you're both adults, right?
[BoS 6 Update] Category: 2.7mcs to Full BC Withdrawal: Danielamino Replacement: lll-AMB1T1OUS-_-KN1GHTM4R3-lll BoS Admins Team