Post all the greatest pranks you've pulled 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by IIIIIllIlllIIII-_-IlIIIlllllll, Feb 26, 2012.

  1. I stole my friend's car keys, put them into somebody else's bag, and he had to get his car towed.
    I now owe him $300.
    Totally worth it.
  2. 
  3. This was yesterday btw.
  4. Put glue in my gf's shoes. She thought she was stuck. Till she took off her socks
  5. I made a man pink before. Red koolaid in the showerhead. :twisted:
  6. Wana get your friend / Bully really upset ...  When he sets his backpack down grab it
  7. ... Or if they are wearing a backpack... Kick it(the bottom so it flys up)