Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by LiI_Wayne, Mar 2, 2012.

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  1. It's ok if you like big girls.
  2. I'm ok??? 
  3. No seriously obesity is a big problem.you should go outside once in awhile.
  4. Lol

    Sensei needs to go back to insult school.

    Hey sensei? How's pinning me going?
  5. It's ok Mona, sensi is just a loner at home eating wings and Is prob on this game cause he has no life  I'm sure u r beautiful and it doesn't matter whats on the outside it matters what I on the inside.......... Obviously sensi is ugly no matter where u look so ignore him, and sensi if u really think ur jokes r funny then y don't u go tell them to ur momma...... I'm sure if she cared about u she would laugh till she found out how ugly u r on the inside...... U may think we r whining but really, u guys r the ones asking for stuff that u will never get....... So just shut up and either quit before u r all banned or go ahead and get urselfs banned..... TER benefits from it either way......  ur choice
  6. I'm good I'm gonna pin on you lol.you gonna have too keep buying pots LMAO
  7. Yeah good luck with that.
  8. Well, yeah I like big girls.

    Big ass and big boobies. 

    My kinda girl
  9. Your so scared and you wanna ban us.well you can't ban us.there is no way at of this.
  10. Extortion, which is what you are doing, is illegal. That is what you may possibly get banned for.
  11. [​IMG]

    College here is yer apology from the last thread in case you don't remember. Oh and I can post it as many times as needed. 
  12. And sensei, since yer callin everyone else names? Like fat and ugly. Go on why don't u call me fat??

    Do it.
  13. Shivaleen your fat and ugly. Also where is my apology.
  14. that pic was sent
  15. So don't play stupid. Cause the developers have seen that picture.
  16. Is that more incriminating evidence lol this ain't CSI:pIMD
  17. Shiva I'm not gonna call my personal farm fat,because that would be rude.and red wings some if your club member bypassed,made fun of Cl'name and spamed the forum.so I'm telling the devs who started these threads.
  18. Hey sensei,
    Way to show someone half your stats who's boss.
    I'm so scared that a 100k cs can't win multiple fights against me.
  19. Lol I would destroy you one on one but I'm only pinning myself on you.
  20. Destroying someone half your stats?

    Sounds even more scary
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