Yes, I just realized I didn't kill him off, and so decided to bring him back. Unprofessional, I know, but somehow... Wait. You know what? After Apoc dies, I didn't mention Sam at all... I feel depressed now...
When you said metal I went through every song I knew. When the fight scene happened, the only one that was playing in my head was Liberate by Disturbed.
I was listening to Some kind of Monster by Metallica(Favourite metal song by favourite metal band), as I wrote the scene.
Zach easily dodged every blast, and every claw that came at him. It was way too easy for him. Fletch saw this. His eyes grew dark. He knew the outcome of this already. It was futile. They had no chance. They were all going to die, and the rest of the world along with them. "Cy, stay with them, make sure they survive. I'm going in." But as he said this, something happened. Sam had shed Erebus. No, not shed it. It became him. He had claws made of pure darkness, and there was a dark shadow around him. His hair grew out, until it reached his belt line. It swung in the wind. Zach grinned wickedly. "Now that's more like it. Show me whatcha got, Sammy." Sam jumped forward, and slashed upwards, so as to claw out Zach's throat. Zach barely avoided it by leaning back as far as possible. Sam retaliated by stabbing Zach in his stomach, which he could not avoid. Zach, meanwhile, retaliated by slashing across at Sam's chest. The blow was weakened because of the darkness, but it was still a pretty deep cut. Sam staggered backward. Zach dropped his sword, and went for a punch. The punch sent Sam spiraling off into the Washington Monument. He crashed straight into the bottom. He staggered back upright, took a few steps forward, then looked up in horror as the entire monument came crashing into him. Zach picked up his sword. Looked at Fletch. Smiled. It wasn't a completely sadistic smile, it was a happy smile. Zach was enjoying himself. The challenge gave him pleasure. He hoped this last one would last longer than the others. He threw the sword. Fletch simply blocked it with his bow of light, then shot five arrows at Zach. Zach simply caught them and crushed them. He then jumped forward, what seemed like long claws coming out of his left hand. Fletch blocked as best as he could, dropping the arrows, and drawing the sword. A flash. Then everything but the hilt went flying. Fletch looked at his sword with his mouth open. As Zach's sword swung toward Fletch's neck, he caught it in his hand, and crushed it effortlessly. Then he punched Zach in the stomach. Which made him fly back a couple meters, and then roll on the ground a little. Zach stood up, and laughed. He laughed long and hard. Then he pointed at Fletch. "You bring a good fight. I like you. What's that surge of rage I just saw? Can you control it, I wonder? He sent a beam towards Fletch with the finger he was pointing at him. Fletch threw his arms back, and yelled, energy rising inside of him. He deflected the beam with energy, and jumped forward, his fist colliding with Zach's face. Zach stood his ground, still filled with laughter. Zach head butted Fletch, and sent him flying through one of the windows of the White House. Fletch jumped out, a shard or two visible on his skin. He took several steps forward. Zach raised his hand, and shook his head. Raised his hand. Formed a ball, and sent it straight towards Fletch. The ball turned into a huge blast impossible to dodge. Fletch looked at it unflinching. Then, as it neared, he closed his eyes to welcome death. He felt a rush of wind. Thought he saw a flash of white through his shut eyelids. Then, he felt himself flying, hitting a wall, heard several bones snapping.
"I was not supposed to survive..." Fletch thought as he opened his eyes. They widened. It could not be! He knew someone blocked the blow, but it possibly could not be... Then again, there was no other possible explanation. The man in white armor turned around, and smiled a bright smile. Gave a thumbs up. Then turned back around and jumped at Zach. Zach's eyeballs looked like they were about to pop out with excitement. Even as Otto's foot collided with his face. Even as he flew 100 meters, his smile never faded. As he flew back, he was hit in the back with darkness. He flew back toward Otto, but some rainbow beam pinned him down. Otto laughed as Jodie and Apoc appeared out of nowhere. Fletch looked from Otto to the others. "But... You... You're dead!!!" He stated with amazement "Don't worry, we'll explain. Later. This isn't finished yet." Otto said, smiling. As he finished talking, there was an explosion. Otto turned around, smiling. "Finally I get to face you full power. Apoc! Jod! Take Fletch and whoever else survived as far away as possible." "Got it!" they said, and Apoc grabbed Fletch and disappeared. Well, not disappeared really, more like just jumped really fast. They saw from the roof as the smoke cleared, and they saw Zach's face. Even Apoc and Jodie were surprised. Black armor, black hair, the only exception was a huge tail. Same features. Just twisted into more evil ways. Zach was a twin of Otto. Except, y'know, more evil and stuff. "I've never had a brother. Explain, Zach." "Ah, yes. I shall." Zach said, and smiled. "Do you remember that one time you ended up in that alternate dimension? I hitched a ride from a certain... Doctor, let's say." "You... WHAT?!?!?!" "Except I didn't land with you guys. Fell through time. Ended up in 1917. Caused some hell. Talked to a great leader, caused him to kill some people. Not sure how much. I also trained in Nuclear testing sites. That was fun, I lo-" "WAIT WAIT WAIT! So you... Really are me from that dimension?" "Yes, except I had a lot more time to train." "Damn. I hoped you were me from the future. Therefore by killing me, you'd kill yourself, and cease to exist." "Sorry that didn't work out." "Nah, it's fine. Now I get to have some more fun!" "Alright Otto. I want to know something. Where did you go? For 3 years you were gone. I killed you, I know that." "Well, I really was dead. As for how I came back, I have several... Tricks up my sleeve, let's say..." "Alright, that's fine for me. Now shall we finish it now? Now that I'm in this form, even I can't control myself." "Bring it."
Otto, psst I read back from the Outsiders and now I've read this. I never died after losing to Sam, where'd I go? Eating deer again? What?
damn it... I did the same thing with Sam too... 6 month hiatus got me confused... Sorry. Everyone, Danzo is off... Doing research or something... On how to find Zach's weak spot without, well, my help. Y'know cos I was dead and all?