The Reign Of Zach(Outsiders part 2)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *12th_Doctor_Malpense (01), Mar 11, 2012.

  1. I haven't forgotten, don't fret... Three more days waiting yet...
  2. I'm not going to last that long
  3. I'm sure you will. Read some Secrets 
  4. No really, I just updated.
  5. I will update either tonight or tomorrow depending on my schedule.
  6. Ok. Just couldn't stand it to be on the second page.
  7. The Reign Of Zach

    They watched as the lid of the casket covered Otto's face. Only Sophie was crying. The only others who survived were Cyber, Fletch, Epic, and Royale. Out of thirteen people in the group, only 5 remained. What do they do now? They were all left for dead as Zach takes over anyway...

    Zach meanwhile appeared inside the president's office.
    "What is it?" asked the man behind the desk, his head buried in some sort of document he was working on, he obviously thought it was one of his lackeys.
    "You have to swear allegiance to me. No choice. All the other important countries' leaders have already done so. So what do you say? Easy way? Or hard way?" as he finished, a great big hole appeared behind him. You have an hour to decide. Consult with Congress or whatever you need. Your choice will be announced internationally. The other countries will react accordingly. For you, or against you, depending on your choice. Also, I will rule indirectly for three years. I will be back once again on the fourth. And then take my stand as Ruler. Cos honey, you should see me in a crown!"

    Roy was the first to walk away. He was angry. He was angry, yes, but it was not enough to bring him to full power yet. Deep down he knew that it would only be brought out staring in Zach's face...
    He was now officially in charge. He, Fletch, and Otto discussed it before the fight with Zach. Considering that in his full potential he may have surpassed Otto. He may have had a go at Zach for killing Otto if not for Zach's cowardly escape. They wanted revenge. And, if not revenge, they wanted an honorable death like Otto's, in battle. Roy knew what Otto saw that caused him to die. He knew it all along. And that's why Zach actually killing Otto was so unbelievable.

    "The world!!! It is mine!" said Zach from within his dimension. Through that dimension, he kept a slight contact to all the leaders of the nations. He didn't know why he decided this, but he wanted to get even stronger. Three years in the place that made Hell look like a small peace of cake. He called it Purgatory, for he never knew it's real name. And he was the only person ever to survive a single day there. Now he decided to spend three years. He wondered at the potential increase. Was it possible? He figured it would. He'd just have to test and see...
  8. Three years later

    The new HQ was rather small. Smaller than most, but more than enough to fit 5 people. They didn't notice on CCTV as two women appeared. They walked forward rather fast. They walked up to the door and the oldest knocked in a certain way. Fletch recognized the knock.
    "Cy, check CCTV. That's our knock from three years ago. It must be him. He's back."
    Cy checked.
    "No: it's two women."
    "Damn. Syd and Taylor. They must not know about Otto. They weren't at the funeral three years ago, anyway... What are they doing here and now? Let them in."
    Cy did. Syd walked in with Taylor.
    "Where's the library? Bro has probably been digging in there finding a way to fight Zach." asked Tay with a smile. Then looked around, saw the expressions on their faces, and her own expression started to mirror them. "What's wrong?" she asked "Where's everyone else?"
    "Either dead, or they ran off during the last confrontation with Zach."
    Syd looked around.Her eyes narrowed, and she looked at Fletch.
    "So are you the new leader? Or is it Roy?"
    "How did you-" Fletch's expression was now of relief. He didn't have to explain. "It's Roy. Roy's in charge."
    "Oh good. He'll do. I couldn't tell her about what happened because I was busy training her."
    "I understand. But how is she going to react now? She has to find out soon. We can clone him, but it won't be the same. She'll notice straight off."
    "Excuse me, what are you talking about?" Tay looked from Syd to Fletch. "If everyone in this room are the only survivors, where's Otto?"
    "Well, Roy's in the main library, plotting Zach's (or possibly our own) downfall. So you guys came at the right time."
    Tay broke down. She knew Fletch wouldn't answer directly. But she had hoped for some reassurance. She looked in his eyes. And they looked back, all emotion in the world in those eyes. There was hope in those eyes. A false hope, but hope all the same. His hope made her feel a bit at ease, although she didn't stop crying for a while.

    Syd, meanwhile, joined Roy in the library, plotting.
    "He's back, you know. Our laws are getting stricter, our Sorcerers have seen him as well. We're goners. He's planning to annihilate us all. And I do mean all of us."
    "God help us. Where's this Doctor that Otto kept mentioning in his research time?"
    "He has never gotten into sorcery. It's not one of his beliefs, therefore he lets other sorcerers deal with it. Calm down, Roy."
    "So you know the guy, Syd?"
    "Let us say... That we have met at least once or twice. Before you met us."
    "So Otto has had a life before me? Since when?"
    "While you were being a prick, he was taking care of his five year old sister. At the age of 9. I found them, had pity on them. And then we all met the Doctor. I cannot finish the story, as I doubt you'll believe it. But it was a trip of a lifetime, I can tell you that."
    "Fine. I don't need to hear the rest of it anyway, I need to focus."
    "Will this help?" she leant over and kissed him gently on his lips.
    "Yeah, that'll do it." Roy smiled.
  9. Oh god, I have emotion in my eyes. IVE GONE SOFT! And Syd and Roy? Really?
  10. I'm kind of shocked with that relationship.
  11. Keep in mind that Roy has known Otto for a long time, and that he, Otto and Syd used to go on adventures back in the day... But that's a story for another time.
  12. Otto that makes it more confusing.