The Death Games

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *TiffanyOdair (01), May 20, 2012.

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  1. Sorry, image code fail.

  2. Omg!!! That's awesome!!!
  3. -Chapter 8-
    A New Best Friend...?

    Tiffany's POV

    Even though his fringe covers his right eye, and his layered blonde hair is so long it touches his shoulders, the resemblance is unmistakable.

    Lunch is over all too soon, and I realise I've spent most of it gazing at Saori. Faun's been a great help too, though he doesn't know it. His jokes help take the attention away from Saori and myself.

    As we leave the table, the girl from Eleven walks up to me. She introduces herself as Savannah. We hit it off well, and soon we're good friends.

    We head back to our rooms, where our stylists are waiting. I approach Daniel, but he walks off to his stylist, not meeting my gaze.

    How will we be loving siblings on the chariot later?

    Savannah's POV

    One down. I've gained that Odair girl's trust already. What's left is for her other allies, Saori, Kai, Faun, Midnight and Echo to trust me too.

    The crown is mine.
    A/N: Sorry it's so short! It's like a sneak peek of who Savannah is 
  4. Bump!! Can't wait for the next update!
  5. I LOVE IT!!!!!! Can Drake rape Savannah? I feel she deserves it and can he like not get hurt doing it?
  6. BUMP!!!!!! so good
  7. NO. I'm done with this smutty stuff in my story.
  8. D: Yeah, hell to the no.
  9. Flubber did you forget to take your meds this morning
  10. AmazingBump
  11. I agree with both of you who said no
  12. Lol... Flubberj y do u want him to be a rapist? Lol
  13. He said he wanted to be a rapist so he can" unlock his full potential"
  14. Umm.. Ok... NO RAPING!!!!
  15. That's something you don't here everyday. 
  16. And I totally misspelled hear. On purpose. 
  17. Lol... Nice...
  18. I don't want to get raped by Drake

    (My character is Savannah)
  19. Don't make him
    Rape Raven

    Ugh just the sound of that makes me shiver
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