guide to strip farming

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by TERROR-Bad_Luck_Chuck-, May 26, 2012.

  1. >.> nobody sfs anymore. They just won't invite them to do a party. The threats are strong.
  2. This should be moved to guides, also it deserve a sticky
  3. The guide is also wrong and full of misinformation. It needs to be locked if and when someone writes a correct guide.
  4. Eh, it's better than nothing.

    Somebody should get on that new guide ;)
  5. Why did this even get bumped 
  6. Spamming 50 plus ed to hide who hire you and hired tuts? It may hide the news feed, but doesn't hide your notifications your device gets  it does tell you who hired what tutor, and if they've hired a few tuts and you have no money, it's easy to find out at least one suspect
  7. Why is this not stickied thanks for fonding
  8. "But then they hit back so it's no fun"

    Talk about a  holy shit. Scared to hit back so you hide it?
  9. I higly encourage people to use this guide, as its full of holes and easily traceable. Gj gl/hf
  10. Loll you need is waffles and a thumb.
  11. I have one half made  and zach there are ways to get past that 
  12. this guide s helpful… i need it since i wanna sf my pupu on my birthday :cry:
  13. This guide should be stickied to the bottom of a garbage can. Very misleading.
  14. I remember this thread . :/ memories.