guide to strip farming

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by TERROR-Bad_Luck_Chuck-, May 26, 2012.

  1. Yes! I've been looking for this thread 
  2. I support this thread. 
  3. I get sf'd 2-3 times a day. :(
  4. Lol but yeah great thread XD
  5. Awesome guide!! I was actually willing to get cough before I looked at this. I got a problem: darn active tuts!! And the tuts are in the same club as their pupil... not to mention the perms at the club that'll help him farm me back...
  6. And then there's the alts…

    Oh well… no risks, no reward, right?
  7. Yes u can if u eaves also all the tuts that u hired from him/her... 
    1 tut need 60 successful eaves. If 250 tuts? 60 x 250 = 
  8. I have a question. What are the ranges you can hit? I heard it was 5× your size. But I'm 20kcs and have been hit by 130kcs. :shock:
  9. Wow good question, I still need many kcs to reach my goal. And I'll try to be below my farms by only a few kcs…
  10. Wait, if I just want to farm I can just ignore the tutor things, right?
  11. What about the tuts? Wouldnt they see that they got hired by you and tell their old pup which was the person u strip farmed?
  12. Awesome. Laughed pretty hard while reading this very well thought out guide. Good job man
  13. Lmfaoooooo

    I hav no time to fo that!
  14. People new to pimd (2013'ers) Will never understand the fun of farming last time.
  15. Why are you dropping? They could just hire back of online.
  16. Haha This is FUN. I'm imagining doing this but I feel pity for the person being stripped farm. This strip farming makes pimd exciting. :)
  17. Massive bump because people are doing it wrong
  18. This should be in guides section of forum ?
