guide to strip farming

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by TERROR-Bad_Luck_Chuck-, May 26, 2012.

  1. Well if they succeeded in the sf you wouldn't have the $$ to sf back 
  2. Ok i get it .who the hell has that much spare time on there hands .lol rather just have breakfast :-0 seriously
  3. i learned something?im not a noob anymore ?wait yes I ambut nice thread ♡
  4.  I killed this thread.. Oh so long ago..

    ? it's back for revenge 
  5. yoo yano im doing this to my haters when im a little bigger snm and rememer i told ya
  6. Instead of eavesdropping you can make an alt and spam follow the other person
  7. funny i said that like 6 months ago on this thread ⇧
  8. didn't read the whole thing
  9. So Eavesdrop to cover tracks.... hmmm thanks thanks
  10. Why would you drop there tuts? Nd why do you care if they know it is you doin it?
  11. Follow spamming is a different notification. It won't hide the fights. Drop the tuts so you get cash back and can strip more ?
  12. Surely you sf someone to make a point, not hit nd hide.
  13. Well obviously this thread about secretly sf, not making a point sf as you say lol and OP is inactive anyway so 
  14. How if his/her tut inform their pup? 
  15. Oh ye true. I don't see a point to being all secretive about it tho. This is pimd not tenchu. Unless the stripper is scared of retaliation?
  16. Doing follows will cover hits
  17.  it's fun to do it secretly cause then the other person gets pissed and they don't know who to blame.

    Buuuut, if you strip active tuts they'll just tell the person who hired. Waste of time spamming out the newsfeed.
  18. This needs as damn sticky thingy whatever