Battle Scars¿

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by McMuffinMan, Sep 5, 2012.

  1. Elders in bikinis.
  2.   =
  3. 
  4. It's funny now but it was scary!!!!!!!!
  5. I can say that I've had my head crack open, cuts an inch deep, burns not so bad, a hernia!!!! And now this Pinched/crushed nerve! But all your incidents sounds painful...
  6. I'm afraid of pain. Now I understand why, rofl. Stepping on legos and tripping over your bed then slamming face first into the wall as your body hits the floor in a loud, painful 'thud'.
  7. Ohhhhh...soo exciting
  8. Stepped on a Lego once. ahhh!!!
  9. Ohhhh now this gets tricky…

    Nope nothing at all.

    Lol JK!

    Once I was testing these "sledges" (things u ride down a snowy hill
    And I wanted to have one last go on the small one before we left.

    *DUN DUN DUN!*
    Since there was a golf course there was bunkers.
    One of them had a natural kind of ramp  and I kinda somehow managed to go on it, fall off the small sledge I was on during the process of falling and fell in the bunker, lying on my back. 
    I went to hospital for the nurses to see if I had broken any bones, thankfully not  and I had to refrain from PE or any other sporty activities
    The end. 
  10. I broke a nail 
  11. There was this one time...

    It was in Grade 6 during Physical Education when a fucker walked up to me and slammed a chair over my legs. I have two scars on both legs and I'm still pissed at him to this day. Luckily, it didn't hurt too much, except my skin turned purple and peeled off and I was bleeding profusely. Lol. I had to rush to the nurse's office and I came back just in time to finish the dance routine we practiced for an entire week for a final assessment for P.E.

    After P.E., I kicked the bastard in the shins, scraped the flesh on his left arm off with my nails, and punched him in the damn face.
  12. probally the 15 stitches when I got right on top of my right eyebrow,
    most recent was past year when I got hit with a bottle in the back of my head 25 stitches I think or was it 20 ~.~
  13. Ohh i have another one! Lol i was probably 8 ish, doing homework lol and i decided to sharpen my pencil! Idk what i did, what i was thinking, but o.o i ended up stabbing myself on my palm. Dx the pencil lead broke ._. my mom tried to get it out, but couldnt. My palm healed with the lead inside >< i can still see the black mark ><!
  14. The summer of 5th grade going into sixth grade.....

    I was spinning blindfolded in my aunts room....when I tripped and fell....I hit my head against a dresserand well...fell through a window....Luckily only my arm got cut

    The doctor said that in certain parts of the cut you could see my bone And they had to stitch my muscle back together with 3 stitches, and the the outside had 10 stitches. I didn't cry once

    Oh btw, the dresser was right next to the window
  15. Omg I love it Alll
  16. O.O i got so much too. There this time, i was sleeping and like.. Idk what you guys call it but we call it "transformer" this heavy thingy that your plug it needs a diff socket thing.. We had like a hugr heavy one.. Like super huge.. It fell on my head when i was sleeping.. Idk what happened really.. I dont really remember much from it.. A giant dictionary book, you know the giant ones that each letter has it own book? That fell on my head too lol