I can say that I've had my head crack open, cuts an inch deep, burns not so bad, a hernia!!!! And now this Pinched/crushed nerve! But all your incidents sounds painful...
I'm afraid of pain. Now I understand why, rofl. Stepping on legos and tripping over your bed then slamming face first into the wall as your body hits the floor in a loud, painful 'thud'.
Ohhhh now this gets tricky… Nope nothing at all. Lol JK! Once I was testing these "sledges" (things u ride down a snowy hill And I wanted to have one last go on the small one before we left. *DUN DUN DUN!* Since there was a golf course there was bunkers. One of them had a natural kind of ramp and I kinda somehow managed to go on it, fall off the small sledge I was on during the process of falling and fell in the bunker, lying on my back. I went to hospital for the nurses to see if I had broken any bones, thankfully not and I had to refrain from PE or any other sporty activities AND THAT'S WHAT MY WORST PAIN WAS The end.
There was this one time... It was in Grade 6 during Physical Education when a fucker walked up to me and slammed a chair over my legs. I have two scars on both legs and I'm still pissed at him to this day. Luckily, it didn't hurt too much, except my skin turned purple and peeled off and I was bleeding profusely. Lol. I had to rush to the nurse's office and I came back just in time to finish the dance routine we practiced for an entire week for a final assessment for P.E. After P.E., I kicked the bastard in the shins, scraped the flesh on his left arm off with my nails, and punched him in the damn face.
probally the 15 stitches when I got right on top of my right eyebrow, most recent was past year when I got hit with a bottle in the back of my head 25 stitches I think or was it 20 ~.~
Ohh i have another one! Lol i was probably 8 ish, doing homework lol and i decided to sharpen my pencil! Idk what i did, what i was thinking, but o.o i ended up stabbing myself on my palm. Dx the pencil lead broke ._. my mom tried to get it out, but couldnt. My palm healed with the lead inside >< i can still see the black mark ><!
The summer of 5th grade going into sixth grade..... I was spinning blindfolded in my aunts room....when I tripped and fell....I hit my head against a dresserand well...fell through a window....Luckily only my arm got cut The doctor said that in certain parts of the cut you could see my bone And they had to stitch my muscle back together with 3 stitches, and the the outside had 10 stitches. I didn't cry once Oh btw, the dresser was right next to the window
O.O i got so much too. There this time, i was sleeping and like.. Idk what you guys call it but we call it "transformer" this heavy thingy that your plug it needs a diff socket thing.. We had like a hugr heavy one.. Like super huge.. It fell on my head when i was sleeping.. Idk what happened really.. I dont really remember much from it.. A giant dictionary book, you know the giant ones that each letter has it own book? That fell on my head too lol