A Guide To All Of Pimd's Avatar's

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Julzz, Feb 9, 2015.

  1. Hope these avatars come again
  2. What did you have to do to get the dude with the black rings holder a finger pistol to his cheek?
  3. Cool guide..

    Wow idk how many I've missed bcuz I was not playing for that time. 
  4. This thread be outdated
  5. Howd this be called a guide? Oh my ghost
  6. It's more of a list, that guide referred at the beginning of this thread is more useful.
  7. Really hope ATA would bring back this avatars
  8. Looking forward to a new updated avatar list?
  9. how do i get one?
  10. Can I get a beautiful and higher avatar for free please I'm so poor
  11. Can we still get them though?

  12. you can (might) get old avatars by;

    opening avatar bags already in showcase (not trade/giftable)

    opening old event boxes with pim keys

    collecting roses, ribbons, clouds shards, axes/bats and shards

    winning off the spinner

    purchasing from "store" with ecs
  13. Bring back some of the old avatars
  14. Do 2000 frankenpugs still turn into avatar?
  15. To my knowledge, not anymore
  16. I never knew.