24 Hour Merc War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DrKevorkian, May 10, 2014.

  1. When everyone starts moaning and saying to ff the fun dies. Theres no warriors on a damn app lol
  2. I plan on every weekend to do a 24 hour Merc war. Anyways screw beta wars let's just war
  3. Ill be there if Im not busy Wally 
  4. Ok raven  remember every weekend I will host a 24 hour Merc war. I will stand by this and follow through. Let's brin wars back
  5. Anyone looking to buy tutor, BUY FROM ME!
  6. Join your side young padawans!
  7. sorry went to the beta war instead
  8. What beta war?
  9. the one that signups end in a min for
  10. Oh lol I could careless it's only 6am my time. My war won't start till about 3pm
  11. ahh i see this war starts my 10am so was perfect for me
  12. Lol if only I knew my time zones hahaha
  13. In there like swimwear