 New Darkness Arise 

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -DDD_AccidentallyMe-, Nov 16, 2012.

  1. Torrance: I'm just checking out the place. Not trying to destroy it.
  2. Raven's Clone: "I can't exactly take any chances now can I? You're still a threat."
  3. Torrance: *shrugs* what Ever. *walks out of the room*
  4. Raven's Clone: -Appears in front of her- "I'll be following you the whole time wether you like it or not."

    (Reply to me on Fantasy RP  Lol just kidding )
  5. Torrance: *groans* better not follow me into the bathroom.
  6. Nox:-sighs and lays his head at Lucas' shoulder- ......
  7. Raven's Clone: "I'm not making any promises." -Smirks-
  8. Lucas: -Smiles. Set my head on his head-
  9. Nox:-whispers in elvish- "Amin mela lle" (I love you)
  10. Lucas: "I love you too."
  11. Nox:-blushes as he dont know what to do. He hopes something will break the silence-
  12. Lucas: "What's wrong?"
  13. Nox: .... Words fails me... I do not know what to do or say. What is to say, really?
  14. (im going to sleep now)
  15. (Kk)

    Lucas: -Smiles- "You don't have to say anything."
  16. (Hey tarru, I think my response is in the last page )
  17. Torrance; *smacks her hard in the arm* no fair!
  18. Raven's Clone: -Pulls her closer- "The thing that's not fair is you being too cute." -Smiles. Looking at her eyes-
  19. Torrance; *pushes her away* cut it out will ya? I'm not going to fall in love with you. *flicks hair* but thanks about the cute part. Your pretty good yourself.
  20. Raven's Clone: -Smirks, pulls her into a kiss, not letting her escape or doing anything but kiss back-

    (I love causing trouble )