(whoops. Okay, but now Acci dont reaspond to me..) Lux: Im sorry, what did you say? I was not paying attencion for a sec..
Lucas: -Laughs- "I said I'll be by your side the whole time and yes you may come in." -Clears a path for him to get through. Closes the door once he's inside-
(errr.... Gurl, the one that did not pay attension was Lux. But whatever ) Nox:-walks in and takes his cap off- I heard you lived here. Looks like thy were right.
Jess: Not seen him, sorry Lily: -Creeps closer and parts the bush so she can see about the creepy eyes. Everything rushes and just sees a man in black running into the distance-
Elza; - flys around the castle - Celia, land on the roof please. Celia; -lands on the roof.- Elza; - smiles - good girl, go to the lake to have a drink, I will call you when I need you. - hugs leg - Celia; - nods and flys off -
Nox: -blushes shyly- .... I wised to see you, ... Altho the reason I do not know.. Lux:-sighs- He is pissed at me...
Raven's Clone: -Sighs- "Listen it's my duty to protect this Kingdom from any threats and well you're a threat. And no I only the ones like this way because it won't get them in trouble or killed."