 2 keys To give Away

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Julzz, May 26, 2015.

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  1. Do you have a pencil? Cause I want to erase your past and write our future.
  2. Does your heart have a hole??!
    I got trapped! And i cant find my way out!!
  3. You don't need keys to "drive"me crazy.
  4. Girl, you're like my eyeglasses. Nothing makes sense without you.
  5. If it weren't for that DAMNED sun, you'd be the hottest thing ever created.
  6. Are you an examination?!
    Coz i want to take you home 
    Have you swallowed fireworks?
    When youre smiling, theres so many SPARKS
    Are you deaf?
    My heart has been screaming out your ne fir quite some time now.
    We can play any game except Hide and seek.
    Coz a girl like you is impossible to find.
  7. If I'd have to rate you from 1-10. I'd rate you a 9. Because THE ONE you need.
  8. Aren't your legs tired? Because you've been running on my mind all night!
  9. Are you coffee?
    Sonetimes youre sweet, sometimes bitter.
    But darn youre always HOT 
  10. Youre like a typhoon.
    The moment you left my AREA OF RESPONSIBILITY,
    You took my heart in STATE OF CALAMITY.
  11. I'm not a photographer, but I can picture me and you together.
    Got said this whilst I was waiting to sign up for photography class?
  13. I see lots of "indecent innuendos" that could get your forum banned. But I guess those bans are only reserved for me.
  14. Are you a tower?
    Eiffel inlove with you!

    Are you from Korea?
    I guess youre my Seoul-Mate.

    Are you a PS Game?
    oh i hope youre not TEKKEN.
  15. Hey!! Do you know what's on the MENU?
    It's Me-N-U

  16. I'm PIMD pawn, though small but never back down.....
  17. Your lips look lonely... Would they like to meet mine :*

    You must be Jelly cause, jam dont shake like that, haha lol

    You may fall from the sky, fall from a tree, but the best way to fall is inlove with me <3

    Haha cheesey pick up lines hahaha
  18. We're not socks. But I think we'd make a great pair.
  19. You're the only girl I love today. But in ten years, I'll love another girl. And she'll call you, "Mommy".
    My doctor says I'm lacking Vitamin U.
    Have you been to the doctor lately? Cause I think you're lacking some Vitamin Me.
    Forget about Spiderman, Superman, and Batman. I'll be your man.
    It's funny because you're so beautiful you make me forget my pickup line

  20. You must be scissors, cause your looking sharp.
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