A Guide to All BB Codes!

Discussion in 'Guides' started by _MooCow, Oct 11, 2011.

  1. [200]Testimg[/200]
  2. testing again[\200]
  3. testing again and again[/200]
  4. At the end of the code put [/size*]
    [size=120*] Like this. [/size]
    Remove the *
    The whole thing should look like this:
    Like this.
  5. testing [/aqua]
  6. Do [/color] at the end not [/aqua]
  7. How the hell do you resize it lol
  8. Expo, change the code to [imgfit]
    There is two so you must change it and leave the / on the end one.
  9. :roll: :roll: :roll:
  10. :*roll:
    Do that but take out the asterisk (*)
    It'll look like this:
  11. :*roll:
    Haha I love this

  12. [u*] just testing [/u*]
  13. Good eveningggggg