A Guide to All BB Codes!

Discussion in 'Guides' started by _MooCow, Oct 11, 2011.

  1. [Color] I love chocolate [/color]
  2. I freakin suck lol
  3. Change the : to an =
  4. [color=red*] I love chocolate [/color]

    But take out the apostrophe (*)

    It'll look like this:
    I love chocolate
  5. Omg now i understand I'm a dumb fuck

    I love chocolate
  6. :D thank you rose
  7. You're welcome :lol:
  8. Thanks again
  9. I'm loving this thanks MooCow! :D
  10. That colour is so bright ?

  11. ?" style="max-width: 100%;" />" style="max-width: 100%;" />
  12. Change the last one to [/imgfit]
  13. ? But I wanted it cropped /).(\
  14. You'll have to do that yourself :lol:
  15. Lol I thought I did
  16. Yay crop worked :D
  17. Why you should like mice...

    •Mice are incredibly clean, tidy and organized.
    •Within their intricate underground homes they have specific areas for storing food, going to the toilet, and for shelter.
    •Mice like to stay close to their home and usually only venture up to 3-8m away from their nest in search of food.
    •Whiskers help mice to sense smooth and rough edges, temperature change and breezes.
    •Mice have great balance and can walk along very thin pieces of rope or wire.
    •They can even scale rough vertical surfaces.
    •Mice can jump down 3-4m without injuring themselves.
    •The mouse is a shamanic symbol of wisdom, scrutiny, discovery and organization.