Sooo I'm looking for some name change ideas. ANYTHING goes. Well except bypasses and such. Thanks in advance? sorry for any bb code fails
I wonder if gradient works [bgrad] hoping this works [/bgrad] [rgrad] if it doesn't, all well [/rgrad] [ggrad] also worth the shot [/ggrad] [vgrad] more testing done [/vgrad] [grad] google is your best friend [/grad]
color=#ff0000]E[/color]veryone knows that pimd has become more of a 'catcafe in my dorm' kind of a game and wars have become very rare. In such a time pimd releases the orange campus wars which drop stat items per hit and also give avatars if lucky. But the timings of these wars suck for people from asia and australia. the first war is at late hours of the night/very early monday morning and the next war during Monday morning which are normally working/school hours. Dont you think people have work and school to go for on monday? So how can a person with a life participate in these wars? The only people who i see warring and with lots of those stat items are people from america because war is at sunday noon for them. none of the people from asia and australia have enough of those items. To make war times fair, either the war times need to be changed to suit all time zones, or, wars need to be on different days (or everyday). If wars were on everyday, people would be able to either stay up late and sleep in the next day or wake up early to participate (if they have the day off). It would make it fair for Asia and Aussie time zones, and for those people who work or attend a school on a Sunday or Wednesday. People are asking for more wars, so why not give it to them?