A Guide to All BB Codes!

Discussion in 'Guides' started by _MooCow, Oct 11, 2011.

  1. Good Job!  Well done cap'n
  2. Isn't there already a guide for this?
  3. Yup there's like 20 other ones
  4. Amazing.

    Just as good as Artiliax's!!! :)
  5. I mean one already Sticky
  6. [url=http://forum.partyinmydorm.com/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile
  7. Yeah there's already a sticky one
  8. Then why make another?
  9. Fail ok again

  10. Flame no ampersands
  11. Thx I'll try gain and I did [/URL]

    Plz work
  12. Dont you delete me rose  and best guide besides mine and artilexs
  13. [URL=http://forum.kingdomsatwar.com/viewtopic.php?f=8t=84053
  14. its not that way flame is

    [url*=www.BLAHBLAH.com]Click Here[/url]

    Thats it
