A Guide to All BB Codes!

Discussion in 'Guides' started by _MooCow, Oct 11, 2011.

  1. Captain

  3. Use the code [imgfit*] [/imgfit*] when uploading a picture so it fits.
    For example: [imgfit*]http://imgur.com/fgH9KLq[/imgfit*]

    Take out the asterisk of course 
  4. Thanks xD i wrote sigh to remove bad coding OTL
  5. Dawson is awesome
  6. [coloe=red]helllooo[/red]
  7. helllooo[/red]
  8. Heyyy[/red]
  9. End with [/color] not with the color. ^ .
  10. [coIor=red]hello[/coIor]
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