A Guide to All BB Codes!

Discussion in 'Guides' started by _MooCow, Oct 11, 2011.

  1. Code:
     try :) 
  2. BEAUTIFUL! magical
  3. It's so beautiful and magical how awesome this is!
  4. This is pretty cool[\size][\cyan]
  5. Yay I am a noob  this is standard HTML and I just failed badly hahah
  6. This is pretty cool [/cyan]
  7. I'm going to practice somewhere else so I could stop failing haha
  8. Yay I did it haha I don't fail at life after all :*D
  9. Alabama kush
  10. Just a test. Probably won't work but why not try.

  11. [pink/] did this work
  12. [/bluevilot] hi 3rd time lucky
  13. hii
  14. Rainbow=wassup