A Guide to All BB Codes!

Discussion in 'Guides' started by _MooCow, Oct 11, 2011.

  1. A couple days ago, someone asked me, "What makes you happy?" Well I thought about it and found some inspirational quotes that sum it up.

     Happiness 

    I like to believe that happiness is the key to life. 

    What does one have to do to be happy?

     Be Yourself 

    People hate when you aren't being yourself. People want to speak and be with the real you, not a copy of someone else.


    Life is like a book.

    Most important thing to remember.

    There are a couple of quoted to sum it up.  Thank you for reading and always remember, you are beautiful for who you are. Beauty is on the inside not out. Like it is said "Beauty is skin deep." Someone can be beautiful on the outside and be ugly on the inside.
  2. It just isnt working at all for me?! The colours dont work?!
  3. Show me how you do it
  4. jajdkdkfkdkd
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