A Guide to All BB Codes!

Discussion in 'Guides' started by _MooCow, Oct 11, 2011.

  1. Do this for it to work:
     [color=red] Hello [/color] 
  2. ? Omg Jiggy :lol:
  3. ? Can't hide your mistakes from me
    • What
    • Are
    • You
    • Talking
    • About
    • ?
  4. I saw that bb code fail ?
  5. ?No you didn't. ?are you drunk again? Fish
  6. ?....? I'm ill still
  7. ?hurry up and get bettah

  8. Hmmm not my fave
  9. 
  10. I can't click on the rainbow text link?it brings me to a plain white page