A Guide to All BB Codes!

Discussion in 'Guides' started by _MooCow, Oct 11, 2011.

    • testing
    • testing
    • testing
    • again
  1. Hey all!

    So idk, forums look a little downbuzz and I wanted to test out this new layout, so logic told me to make a Pingu thread (naturally).

    For those who don't know, Pingu is a claymated tv series involving anthropomorphic penguins (i.e. penguins with human attributes). It's a pretty stupid series, but what's been hitting blogs lately are the terrible puns and such that are used with the main penguins "Noot Noot" he characteristically makes. Idk they make me giggle when I'm down and today was a rough day.


    What stupid stuff do you guys look at to make you feel better when you're down?
  2. I love this so much! I giggled at it all 
  4. Bumped for my dumb pupu :lol:
  5. You're funny tutsie...

    I'm just not technologically smart... Gosh!
  6. Hi, this is a guide that will tell you all the BB codes and how to do them. :D

    -BB code work in forums and only forums.

    BB codes can make you text look pretty cool if you master them. But failing a BB code could make you look like a pretty bad noob.

     Sections: 

    1. Color
    2. Size
    3. Bold, Underline, Italics and Code
    5. Rainbows
    6. Lists
    7. Pictures
    8. URL's and Links
    9. Forum Emoji's

     Section 1. Color 
    Color's are probably the most used BB code on forums, therefore you should probably know how to do them. To do colors, do EXACTLY this:

    [color=red[size=1].[/size]] Insert Desired text here [/color]

    Of course the text will come up In red when you do it. Red is not the only color you can use, in fact, there is 150 different colors you can use. Here is a list of all of them:

    AliceBlue: Example.

    AntiqueWhite: Example.

    Aqua: Example.

    Aquamarine: Example.

    Azure: Example.

    Beige: Example.

    Bisque: Example.

    Black: Example.

    Blanchedalmond: Example.

    Blue: Example.

    BlueViolet: Example.

    Brown: Example.

    BurlyWood: Example.

    CadetBlue: Example.

    Chartreuse: Example.

    Chocolate: Example.

    Coral: Example.

    CornflowerBlue: Example.

    Cornsilk: Example.

    Crimson: Example.

    Cyan: Example.

    DarkBlue: Example.

    DarkCyan: Example.

    DarkGoldenRod: Example.

    DarkGrey: Example.

    DarkGreen: Example.

    DarkKhaki: Example.

    DarkMagenta: Example.

    DarkOliveGreen: Example.

    Darkorange: Example.

    DarkOrchid: Example.

    DarkRed: Example.

    DarkSalmon: Example.

    DarkSeaGreen: Example.

    DarkSlateBlue: Example.

    DarkSlateGray: Example.

    DarkTurquoise: Example.

    DarkViolet: Example.

    DeepPink: Example.

    DeepSkyBlue: Example.

    DimGrey: Example.

    DodgerBlue: Example.

    FireBrick: Example.

    FloralWhite: Example.

    ForestGreen: Example.

    Fuchsia: Example.

    Gainsboro: Example.

    GhostWhite: Example.

    Gold: Example.

    GoldenRod: Example.

    Grey: Example.

    Green: Example

    GreenYellow: Example.

    HoneyDew: Example.

    HotPink: Example.

    IndianRed: Example.

    Indigo: Example.

    Ivory: Example.

    Khaki: Example.

    Lavender: Example.

    LavenderBlush: Example.

    LawnGreen: Example.

    LemonChiffon: Example.

    LightBlue: Example.

    LightCoral: Example.

    LightCyan: Example.

    LightGoldenRodYellow: Example.

    LightGrey: Example.

    LightGreen: Example.

    LightPink: Example.

    LightSalmon: Example.

    LightSeaGreen: Example.

    LightSkyBlue: Example.

    LightSlateGrey: Example.

    LightSteelBlue: Example.

    LightYellow: Example.

    Lime: Example.

    LimeGreen: Example.

    Linen: Example.

    Magenta: Example.

    Maroon: Example.

    MediumAquaMarine: Example.

    MediumBlue: Example.

    MediumOrchid: Example.

    MediumPurple: Example.

    MediumSeaGreen: Example.

    MediumSlateBlue: Example.

    MediumSpringGreen: Example.

    MediumTurquoise: Example.

    MediumVioletRed: Example.

    MidnightBlue: Example.

    MintCream: Example.

    MistyRose: Example.

    Moccasin: Example.

    NavajoWhite: Example.

    Navy: Example.

    OldLace: Example.

    Olive: Example.

    OliveDrab: Example.

    Orange: Example.

    OrangeRed: Example.

    Orchid: Example.

    PaleGoldenRod: Example.

    PaleGreen: Example.

    PaleTurquoise: Example.

    PaleVioletRed: Example.

    PapayaWhip: Example.

    PeachPuff: Example.

    Peru: Example.

    Pink: Example.

    Plum: Example.

    PowderBlue: Example.

    Purple: Example.

    Red: Example.

    RosyBrown: Example.

    RoyalBlue: Example.

    SaddleBrown: Example.

    Salmon: Example.


    SeaGreen: Example.

    SeaShell: Example.

    Sienna: Example.

    Silver: Example.

    SkyBlue: Example.

    SlateBlue: Example.

    SlateGray: Example.

    Snow: Example.

    SpringGreen: Example.

    SteelBlue: Example.

    Tan: Example.

    Teal: Example.

    Thistle: Example.

    Tomato: Example.

    Turquoise: Example.

    Violet: Example.

    Wheat: Example.

    White: Example.

    WhiteSmoke: Example.

    Yellow: Example.

    YellowGreen: Example.

    There's a list of all the colors you can use. There's alot of colors so I doubt you'll use all of them.

     Section 2. Size 
    Sizes are probably the second most used BB code, so again, it's probably a good thing to learn how to do it.

    -Sizes reach a maximum of 200. Anything over 200 will NOT work.

    - Size 20 is the smallest size that is readable, though you can still use sizes below that.

    -For the sizes to work, remember to take out the asterisk (*)

    To do sizes, do this:

    [size=200*] text here [/size]
    Remember! Take the asterisk (*) out for it to work!

    Size 200 is largest, size 20 is the smallest (that's readable), size 100 is normal size.

    Text = Size 200

    Text = Size 100 (Normal Size)

    Text = Size 20

     Section 3. Bold, Underline, Italics, and code 

    Bold, Underline, Italics and Code are not used as often as size and color, though they are still cool.

    Bold: Example of bold text
    How to do bold:

    [b*] Insert text here. [/b*]

    Underline: Example of underline text
    How to do Underline:

    [u*] Insert text here. [/u*]

    Italics: Example of italic text
    How to do Italic:

    [i*] Insert text here. [/i*]

     Example of code text 
    How to do code:

    [code*] Insert text here. [/code*]

    -You have to take the asterisk (*) out for it to work!

    Section 4. Quotes: 

    Quotes, again aren't the most used BB code but I assure you that you'll use them atleast once. There are two different types of quotes: Personal Quotes, and Quote boxes.

    Quote Boxes:
    Quote boxes can just be 1 box:
    Or 2:

    Or 3:

    To do a Quote Box:

    [quote*] Desired text here. [/quote*]

    To do 2 Quote Boxes:

    [quote*] Desired text here. [quote*] More Desired text here. [/quote*][/quote*]

    To do 3 Quote Boxes:

    [quote*] Desired Text here. [quote*] More Desired text here. [quote*] Even More Desired text here. [/quote*][/quote*][/quote*]

    -You MUST take the asterisk (*) out for it to work!

    Personal Quotes:
    Personal Quotes are to show what a certain person said or wrote.

    Example of a Personal Quote:
    To do a Personal Quote, you do this:

    [*quote="Persons Name"] Insert Desired Text Here. [/quote*]

    -You must take the asterisk (*) out for it to work! You surely know that by now right?

    -You also MUST have the quotation marks (" and ") around the name for it to work!

    Section 5. Rainbows! 
    Everybody loves rainbowwwwwws! So let's make rainbow text! Rainbow text is pretty awesome, it makes your writing look very colorful. So here's what you have to do make rainbow text:

    1. Click on This link.

    2. Select the "Rainbow" option.

    3. Enter the text that you what to be rainbowfied in the "Your Text" box.

    4. Click "Generate Code".

    5. Copy the "Output Text"

    6. Paste on forum's and you'll have rainbowfied text! :D

    This is a example of what rainbow text looks like. Pretty cool hey?

     Section 6. Lists
    Lists, the hardest and most annoying BB code ever. I never really use lists, though they still look good.

    • Make points
    • Clear and good looking
    • But they're hard to make

    As you can see, they look nice but are hard to make.

    How to make a list:

    [list) [*] Make your point here [*] Make your second point here [*] Make your third point here [/list)

    For it to work, change the )'s to a ]

    You can make you lists as long as you want. You can also have different types of lists like:

    [*list] = A bullet point list.

    [*list=1] = A number list.

    [*list=i] = A Roman Numeral list.

    [*list=a] = A letter list.

    -If you're using those different types of lists, you have to take out the asterisk (*) before the word for it to work!

     Section 7. Pictures 

    To put pictures on forums, do the following things:

    1. Download Photobucket, a free app on App-Store
    2. Set up a account
    3. Upload a picture from you iPod/iPhone
    4. Go on albums
    5. Select desired picture
    6. Click the (i) button in the bottom right
    7. Copy the very bottom code
    8. Paste on desired forum and TaDa, your picture is on the forum.

    Remember to keep all pictures ToU appropriate!

     Section 8. URL's and Links 
    Many things can be linked to show on forums, for example I linked the rainbow website. I'll show you how to do URL's and Links:

    URL or website link here [/i]] text you want to be linked

    Remember to keep all links in ToU appropriate! The ToU can be found here

    Section 9. Forum Emoji's 
    Here is a list of all the Forum Emoji's on PimD and how to do them:

    :) = :*)

    :D = :*D

    :( = :*(

    :cry: = :cry*:

    :| = :*| (Stovepipe, between \ and ~)

    :? = :*?

    :shock: = :*shock:

    :eek: = :*o

    :p = :*P

    ;) = ;*)

    :cool: = :cool*:

    :mrgreen: = :*mrgreen:

    :geek: = :*geek:

    :ugeek: = :*ugeek:

    :x = :*x

    :evil: = :evil*:

    :twisted: = :twisted*:

    :lol: = :*lol:

    :oops: = :*oops:

    :roll: = :roll*:

    :?: = :*?:

    :!: = :*!:

    :idea: = :idea*:

    :arrow: = :arrow*:

    -Remember take the asterisk (*) out for them to work!

    End of guide!

    Thanks for reading my guide. :D I hope you enjoyed it. If you don't think this guide is good or not structured well, then you can look at these other guides:

    BB coding by Artilex
    - Created by Artilex
    Located: Stratergy Section

    BB codes: Color and Size and both!
    - Created by l_PBM_M9_l
    Located: Question/Feedback Section

    P.S Sorry if I got any of the BB codes wrong or if I missed anything :?

    Feel free to try BB codes out here!

    Don't mess with the MooCow
  8. :lol: you just quoted then unquote

  9. Gif war! :x

    • Rules:
    • Remember the ToU and RoC, if you ignore them I will ask you to leave
    • Remember not to bypass in a gif!
    • Try and keep gifs non-offensive

    So the idea is, that you post a gif (I'll start) and other people join in. It'll be like a conversation with gifs. :p
    I may sometimes set a certain topic like:
    Family Guy . So all next posts will have to be Family Guy gifs.
    If I see any funny gifs or active posters I will gift. :D


    Let the Gif War begin! :twisted:
  10. Well Mousy...
  11. What? •.•
  12. That's weird :shock:
  13. No, not really ?
  14. :shock: It really is ...
  15. Not to me ?
    It's just a cute bunny