Titan's Tournament [UPDATED]

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Royale_Kaname_Will_Never_Die, Mar 3, 2014.

  1. MUAHA AND TO MAKE IT MORE FUN everyone SHOULD remove all their defense items :3
  2. iBeTheBallGrabber 1mcs
    Sofa-Klng-Awesome 800kcs
    Jtucker1993 700kcs
  3. Great, and your team name?
  4. Kana... I just asked this a long time ago.. Wanna be my partner?

  5. Shoulda* don't freaking know where the just came from
  6. Lol spit sorry but I can't, or maybe I can! I'll see
  7. If you guys are a legit team,
    Then it will be all teams vs you all at the end of the tournie
  8. They'd still win, no person would be able to hit them once 
  9. I will join i will post my teammates later
  10. Hit me up if you still need teamates️
  11. -sin-ibuckeye-love-joy Bc
    iNitaMarksLilAussieNoodle 1.4 mcs
    AbbylovestheD_arien Bc
  12. Wait, you said there will be separate brackets for kcs right?
  13. Yes, I won't put small stats people vs Lcbcs. Won't make any sense.
  14. Sigh me up if its not to late
    • UPDATE

    What do you guys think if You put your name down and I make even teams? It would be simple for me to organise faster the wars.
  15. What about those that have found teams though? i put a lot of effort into finding them 