 Pirate role play 

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *AnimeChicks_ANB (01), Jun 12, 2012.

  1. Jezzabell: -follows Cynthia-
  2. Claire: -follows, grumbling-
  3. Rebecca: *tries to keep hidden, but is still following the same path as The people*
  4. Cynthia:-looks up at a old worn down bridge.- One at a time. -walks across and stops at the other side.- Well come on now!
  5. Clarissa: -Walks across carefully-
  6. Claire: -walks across, still grumbling-
  7. Jezzabell: -walks across-
  8. Cynthia:-goes on her way-
  9. Rebecca: *finds another way across without revealing her hiding spot*
  10. Kat: -walks across casually and follows them-
  11. Claire: well, how much further?
  12. Cynthia:-walks into a clearing.- this is where we'll set camp.
  13. Rebecca: *slowly walks out of the shadows*
  14. Claire: good, I need to nope some more
  15. Jezzabell: -follows quietly-
  16. Jezzabell: -stops and sits under a tree/
  17. Rebecca: *hides behind a rock*
  18. Claire: -sets up her own little shelter- okay, this is my spot.. -crawls inside-
  19. Clarissa: -Sets up a shelter in the edge of the clearing-