 Pirate role play 

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *AnimeChicks_ANB (01), Jun 12, 2012.

  1. Drake: I still wanna kill something
  2. Jezzabell: y is it good that I'm only a guest?
  3. Drake: she's still coming on the ship
  4. Kat: Drakes cabin is right next to mine and I don't want to listen to you tonight. If you know what I mean.
  5. Clarissa: -Pukes- Gosh Kat!! 3:
  6. Kat: WELL!!!!! I can make it more detailed if you want that!!!!
  7. Clarissa: No thanks..
  8. Claire: Kat, I can't believe such crap comes out if such a pretty mouth... I like it -smirks- you're probably my favorite out of our whole crew. Not that your going to like that. You'll probably just turn it into an insult
  9. Cynthia:Looks ahead and pulls out her Cutless.
  10. Drake: *readies himself
  11. Cynthia: -smirks- Just what I need.

    (Lol give me a sec i'm going to introduce a character.)
  12. Jezzabell: -holds my sword and smiles at my defection in it-
  13. Kat: I'm so flattered -smiles and pulls out knife-
  14. Clarissa: -Shakes my head-
  15. Cynthia:pulls out her pistol- This is going to be fun...
  16. -Native cannibals attack!-
  17. Cynthia:-shoots two in the head-
  18. Kat: -cuts five of their throats and throws a knife getting a solid stick on ones head-