️ Quick Update️ The war will still go ahead. But at 3pm Uk time (10Am or 9amUSA time) depending on your time zones. This is the actual time the war will start not when is declared The clubs will be made later on tonight but as people are still trying to do the hunt. You can all join 1 hour before the war starts. Reminders and club names will be posted on your walls. If you can't join please do let me know. happy warring all
john btw you are welcome to strip ??? not sure how much the gents would appreciated tho. ? bacon is on me?
Updated roster for tomorrow's war LADIES ?ladies you know you all would?? -SIN-SWEET-HONEY J31 -SIN-SWEET-InToxicating- -SIN-SWEET-HellzFallenKimmi- -S-I-L-L-Y-_-R-A-B-B-I-T ibeautifulbecca -SIN-SWEET-UndressesForMrGhost _JTK_Legwarmers_ -_-Stormy-_- -_A_-Raven_The_Bad_Influence -AD_IkittyWillBeInUrNewsfeed_ -SIN-Sweet-i-Joy-Love-Buckey -SIN-SWEET-SexyPrincessStacy -SIN-SWEET-Katie-KylesBeauty- -SIN-SWEET-BlueberryMuffins AbbyLovesTheD_arien -TBD_iPrinLikeMyKissesDownLow- caspertheghost Jihi iNitaMarksLilAussieNoodle -LNS-RaineDazed R--oyal_B3RRy_HisBadGirl NG-ONE_SeNsAtloNal_DIVA -BCS-KutingCatPurrsYouMeow- R--oyal_Ashy-make-Leon-Roa--r YAK-JIU LEAKY_WAR_BRAT_MONSTER ?GENTS? RS_MoonyLovesHisSnowflake -SIN-Jakester -SIN-Kyle-KatiesBeast -AC-MrGeezer _JTK_Knife_ -SIN-iBuckeye-Love-Joy Alan -SIN-JadesCanadianPrince HnM_ShadowKing Tweak_The_Badly_Influenced DRM_JAC0B Dewzle -S4T4N_TH3_S0UL_ST34L3R- DL-Raider_BellasPrince_ RS_GCampos Replik8 -PHC-_Crown3006 RS_UnstoppableBeast _a_super_super_super_long_name clayjunior Tomol Jrosta77 idestroyedTheTush RS_ismash_KairisDashingPrince EGOTRIPPIN_IV_LIFE Im_a_Born_Sinner SirNekkie ---V_F4NT4STIC--- CrazyRed Please let me know if you can't war ASAP
???? thank you tweak and sorry for the gent that was mistaken as a lady. stop using a girl avi?? Yay raven ?
Ok we have the clubs Names Ladies club name The-Devil Wears Prada Gents club name Pint of lager and a packet of crisps_ You can arrive 1 hour before the war starts. Just make sure you read CA and follow instructions on arrival Big thanks to all that signed up. Lets have fun and No Drama
Let's say a guy didn't show up or something like that, can another guy take his place, or is it locked roster? ?