 12 V 12 ཨAཞ 

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Julzz, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. Sign me up pupil  1.3mcs
  2. 1.284mcs to be exact ?
  3.  I was hoping It would've been easier to go to the OP ?

    I believe I'm 1.7MCS for now
  4. I previously signed up but didn't post stats, I'm 1.2 mcs
  5. I'm in  bc.
  6. bump
  7. Sign me up 
  8.  oops almost forgot ? ok better get this sorted. Come lazy lasses and chiel's
  9. Damn I can't join ?. I'm too small ?
  10. Late entry but I'm in
  11. I'm in. 1.5 kcs
  12. ️?please say this is still on even though this hunt hit?
  13.  Yes War still on even tho we have a new Hunt. I hope everyone that signed up is still able to war. Please let me know ASAP if you can't. Many thanks 
  14. So... What went from a 12v12 is now an open merc?
  15. Oops, now just a normal war as long as we sign up here?
  16. Indeed lol. As there is a few more then I expected. We will try to keep it as even as possible. As long as you have signed up I will do my best to have you warring.
    Looking forward to it
  17. ?part time woman. ? but will make either side work
  18. Well well no stripping. That's not fair. Ugh. Are you serious. Smh. This is pimd stripping university. Come on get us Avatars that moooove. And can show some skin. *Btw this a public service announcement to you Bacon Maniacs we can not share bacon with non strippers, only professional strippers only* Ok sign me up my name is Rain Man 68 I owe you one.
  19. -SIN-SWEET-InToxicating-