PÁRT FØÜR U hire the guy. He says the dog is very smart and will help u. He grabs some guns and ammo. And some armor. He shows u a few more other buff guys. They decide to help u. The dog points to the jail entrance. The zombies are close. What do u do? A)Go black ops on the zombies B)scream like a girl C)Shoot ur self
Fuck this shit. The answer has been A since we started, and there's no action whatsoever. Not a single shot has been fired, no one has been wounded, and no one's even escaped from the prison! I'm out.
I would do A and also scream like a girl just like zombieland!!! That way I can meet a girl like Emma stone mmmmmmmm
PÁRT FĪVÊ U go Black Ops on the zombies. (cause u play to much of it) Ur army is doing well. But more zombies are coming and ur running out of ammo. The dog spots a tank. But the keys might not be in there. And ur army spot more guys with bazookas and flamethrowers defending them selves. What do u do? A)Shoot till u have no ammo B)Listen to the dog C)Listen to ur army
I would send my army guys after the dudes with the bazookas but I would run over and go for the tank it's worth the risk
PÁRT SĪX U tell ur army to check the tank. They don't listen and run to the other guys. U look at the dog and run to the tank. U check inside and find the keys. They are on top of a little box. What do u do? A)Throw the box out side B)Take the keys and drive the tank C)Open the box